Every monthly newsletter, we would like to introduce one of the projects in each featured partner organisation of the Pacific NDC Hub. This month, we would like to talk to one GIZ’s Project: The Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (HMCCC) Project.
GIZ through its previous BMZ-funded programme ‘Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR)’ supported participatory and inclusive processes for the planning and implementation of relocation of communities, particularly for the Narikoso Relocation Project.
Following the passing of the Climate Change Act in Fiji’s Parliament on September 27 this year, the National Relocation Taskforce has been mandated to be operational under the Fiji Planned Relocation Guidelines (PRG) through the development of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
This Act not only supports the Relocation of at-risk communities by developing guidelines, but it ensures that a collaborative approach ensures consistency with climate objectives & governance.
As it is a government led process, the National Relocation Taskforce members comprises of 30 government agencies who are responsible for each stage of the relocation process (PRE, IN & POST STAGE).
Planned relocation is part of a comprehensive climate change programme, which further seeks to enhance the skills and capabilities of the local population, civil society partners, national authorities and regional organisations to manage the risk of climate change.
One of the key outputs of CCCPIR’s work in Fiji, was the strengthening of institutional structures to support implementation of climate change adaptation, which included the establishment of the national relocation taskforce and various national climate change thematic working groups who worked on the development of the planned relocation guidelines.
Building up from this work, the Global Programme on Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (GP HMCCC) implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in collaboration with the Climate Change and International Cooperation Division (CCICD)of the Ministry of Economy and with financial support from New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade started the drafting process of the SOPs in 2020 to operationalise the PRG.
The programme has continued to support the Government of Fiji (GoF) and the National Relocation Taskforce members in providing technical assistance and Secretariat support to enable pro-active processes for addressing the risk of climate and disaster driven displacement.