The Regional Pacific NDC Hub recently hosted Ms. Jane Ishiguro, the National NDC Coordinator for RMI, funded by the NDC Partnership. In her role, Jane provides embedded support to the Focal Point, facilitating cross-government and societal coordination of NDC-related activities in RMI.
During her visit to the NDC Hub in Suva, we engaged in detailed discussions regarding RMI's Tile Til Eo strategy and coordination mechanisms. This comprehensive strategy, known as RMI's 2050 climate strategy, outlines the country's long-term pathway towards achieving net zero emissions and 100% renewable energy, while enhancing adaptation and climate resilience in alignment with the Paris Agreement objectives. The strategy prioritizes the protection and prosperity of RMI's people, including women, men, and youth.
Our discussions also touched on ongoing requests supported by the NDC Hub as part of our contribution to the NDC Partnership. Notably, these include the Coherence review of RMI's National Energy Policy & Energy Action Plan (NEPAP) 2015 – 2025, which is in its final implementation stage. Additionally, efforts are underway to improving data collection for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification to facilitate NDC reporting.
This interaction provided a valuable opportunity to exchange insights and deepen our understanding of RMI's climate action efforts.