In the submission of the Solomon Islands NDC in July this year, Minister of Environment Climate Change Disaster Management and Meteorology Hon. Titus Mokofi Fika said the Solomon Islands ratified the Paris Agreement in 2016 with a strong call to pursue efforts to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels if it is to withstand the risks and impacts posed by climate change.
In this revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Solomon Islands has increased its emission ambition by targeting a net zero emission by 2050 as compared to 45% emission reduction by 2050 in its initial NDC.
Solomon Islands has also included Adaptation in its revised NDC because mitigation and adaptation are inseparable for a low emitting, highly vulnerable and small island developing country. What is also clear is the need for predictable, dedicated and low-cost financial resources, and technical support to meet our ambitious targets in mitigation, and address the negative impacts of climate change, and achieve sustainable development.
In its effort to achieve its long-term mitigation targets, Solomon Islands is embarking on applying renewable energy and energy efficient technologies in the energy sector; in short, we are committed to low-carbon technologies to support sustainable development.
This includes electricity generation through the application of Solar PV and hydro-power and other clean technologies in both urban and rural areas of the country. We will also promote renewable energy and energy efficient technologies in the sea and land transport sub-sectors. In addition, another priority mitigation area that the country will embark on is enhancing its carbon sink through sustainable management and protection of its forestry, land use, coastal and marine ecosystems.
On adaptation, the Solomon Islands takes adaptation as a matter of survival and not just an option. Short to medium term adaptation priorities are set out in the country’s National Adaptation Programme of Action and long-term adaptation plans will be captured in our new National Adaptation Plan. However, relocation of communities in low-lying and artificial islands must be supported now rather than later.
Solomon Islands is serious in meeting its mitigation targets as a moral contribution towards the goal of the Paris Agreement. It is also aware that its emission are insignificant globally, and hence continues to call on bigger emitters to drastically and immediately reduce their emissions to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 C
To read the Updated Nationally Determined Contributions of the Solomon Islands, click HERE