CAEP Request: NDC Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan (with project pipeline)
Country: Tonga
Phase: 2
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Improved NDC planning, policy, strategy and legislation
Summary of Activity:
Building greater resilience to existing extreme natural events and the threat of climate change is essential to ensure the sustainable progress that is desired. These and other potential threats require Tonga to become better equipped to plan and respond to the unexpected.
This activity involves the preparation of an NDC Implementation Roadmap, NDC Investment Plan (including project pipeline) for mitigation actions in the priority sectors of agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) and waste.. Tonga is also prioritising adaptation (as is highlighted in Tonga’s Second NDC) and the NDC Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan will also focus on the marine protected areas (MPAs) sector to implement adaptation actions.
The documents delivered through this assignment will be the reference documents for all stakeholders involved in the implementation of NDC activities in AFOLU, waste sector and Marine Protected Areas. They will also be used for establishing contacts with potential support providers to leverage climate finance and support for NDC implementation in Tonga.
Implementing Partner: GGGI