Enhancing NDC to include quantifiable adaptation targets

Country: Papua New Guinea

Phase: 1

Status: Completed

Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Improved NDC planning, policy, strategy and legislation

Summary of Activity:

This work ensured quantifiable adaptation targets for the Agriculture, Health, Transport and Infrastructure sectors are included in PNG’s submission of its enhanced NDC to the UNFCCC.

For the transport sector, benefits are enormous for clean air quality through this activity, and will contribute to the decreased air pollution and the health of the citizens of Papua New Guinea.

Proper environmental management will also ensure ‘environmental benefits’ to be enjoyed by the present generations and investments for the future generations

The work engaged stakeholders from 9 different agencies including government divisions, private sector organizations and development partners in a Weighted Multi-Criteria Analysis workshop, which ensured broad national input in prioritization of NDC adaptation targets and indicators. A subsequent Validation workshop ensured the final outcomes were accepted by all relevant stakeholders and integrated in national planning.

Furthermore, through this work the NDC Hub joined PNG’s Technical Working Group on Adaptation, engaging 16 different government departments and development partners, which ensured the outcomes of the work were coordinated with broader efforts to enhance PNG’s NDC.

Implementing Partner: GIZ