Full LEDS development

Country: Solomon Islands

Phase: 3

Status: Completed

Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Improved NDC planning, policy, strategy and legislation

Summary of Activity:

This Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) provides a vision and a pathway for Solomon Islands to achieve its national economic,
environmental, and social goals over the long term. It is developed from within Solomon Islands, for the benefits for Solomon Islanders. This document also meets the Paris Agreement obligations on Solomon Islands to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission development strategies.

This LEDS provides a pathway towards a low emissions, equitable and resilient development vision for Solomon Islands by 2050. The pathway is comprised of a 2050 vision, emissions pathway, and steps. The steps move Solomon Islands from a BAU pathway to the low emissions, equitable growth and resilience pathway.

The Solomon Islands LEDS is developed primarily using the publicly available data. As further data becomes available, and national circumstances change, the steps towards a low emissions, equitable growth and resilient future may or will change too. Further updates to the Solomon Islands LEDS may be made as circumstances change.

Implementing Partner: GGGI