NDC Enhancement, NDC Implementation Roadmap, NDC Investment Plan including project pipeline
Country: Samoa
Phase: 2
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Improved NDC planning, policy, strategy and legislation
Summary of Activity:
The NDC Hub is supporting Samoa to review its 2015 NDC and compile Samoa’s Second NDC including the land and maritime transport, oceans, tourism, forestry, and waste sectors. This support also includes preparation of an NDC Implementation Roadmap and an NDC Investment Plan (including project pipeline) which would also include two detailed project idea notes in the land transport sector for Samoa.
The documents delivered through this assignment will be the reference documents for all stakeholders involved in the implementation of NDC activities in the priority sectors. They will also be used for establishing contacts with potential support providers to leverage climate finance and support for NDC implementation.
Implementing Partner: GGGI