Raising awareness of Samoa’s NDC enhancement
Country: Samoa
Phase: 2
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Strengthened enabling environment for NDC implementation
Summary of Activity:
An official request from Samoa’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) was received by the NDC Hub on 22nd February 2021 for support in procuring awareness materials for their enhanced NDC Workshop.
Sixty (60) pencil cases, 60 flash drives and 120 stickers (for the pencil cases and flash drives) were procured for the workshop. Logos of all donors and implementing partners were printed on these awareness materials.
The 1-day workshop in Apia saw national experts from the priority sectors of land transport, energy, forestry, maritime, ocean, waste and the tourism sector, come together to discuss and provide feedback on the crucial components of the NDC documents which will form the guiding pillars of Samoa’s NDC journey.
This workshop was hosted by the Renewable Energy Division (RED) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) of Samoa, delivered by the NDC Hub’s implementation partner, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) with in-kind support from the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) NDC Hub team.
Implementing Partner: SPREP