Strengthening MRV System in RMI
Country: Marshall Islands (Republic of)
Phase: 1
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Enhanced NDC measurement, reporting & verification and transparency of climate action
Summary of Activity:
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) has completed the development of the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) roadmap of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions aimed to strengthen the country’s capacity and guide it towards the future development of its MRV system.
The three main objectives of this assessment included the identification of stakeholders in waste, land-based transport and electricity sector towards achieving NDC targets, review of baseline data used for arriving at the NDC targets.
Key recommendations were developed towards the end of the assessment on how RMI can facilitate the smooth development and full operation of an MRV system including capacity building, improved national coordination, alignment of policies and working with existing efforts with similar programs.
This assessment was based around a participatory approach to ensure full engagement and involvement of the in-country stakeholders. The assessment followed by a tailored MRV capacity building for RMI
Implementing Partner: GGGI