Vanuatu Review & Update Climate Change & Disaster Risk Resilience Policy (Adaptation and DRR planning)
Country: Vanuatu (Republic of)
Phase: 2
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Improved NDC planning, policy, strategy and legislation
Summary of Activity:
Vanuatu's Climate Chand Disaster Risk Resilence Policy (2016-2030) was developed in 2015, with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Pacific Community – German Agency for International Cooperation (SPC/GIZ), and the Australian Government.
The policy draws from experiences in mainstreaming disaster risk management and climate change by the government with partners, the private sector, international agencies, and civil society. It encourages innovation in the sectors setting the pace for the region and internationally.
The Government of Vanuatu has indicated its desire to review, update and align the Vanuatu CCDRR Policy to the NSDP. The NDC Hub is supporting Vanuatu through a preparatory review of the Vanuatu CCDRR Policy (2016-2030) to ensure coherence with the existing national, regional and global frameworks. This project will further ensure that;
- national climate change and disaster risk reduction priorities are captured.
- alignment with the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) 2016 – 2030.
- increased coherence with global and regional frameworks and commitments (Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework, Sustainable Development Goals, and the Framework for Resilient Development) by the country.
Implementing Partner: The Pacific Community (SPC)