NDC Implementation: Good Practices in the Pacific

Dates: 03 Aug 2021 - 04 Aug 2021

The workshop will provide an avenue for Pacific Island Countries to identify areas where implementation can be fast-tracked to help ensure NDC targets are realized, as well as share good practices on NDC implementation and to identify areas of cooperation between countries and development partners.

It will consists of presentations, panel discussions, and breakout sessions which cover cross-sectoral issues pertaining to the NDC implementation.

The workshop is being co-organized by the NDC Partnership and the Regional Pacific NDC Hub through the UNFCCC-IGES Regional Collaboration Centre for Asia and the Pacific based in Bangkok (RCC Bangkok). 

Target Participants: 

  • UNFCCC country focal points from the region
  • NDC Partnership and Regional Pacific NDC Hub country focal points from the region, including representatives of Ministries of Economy, Finance, National Planning and others
  • Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) focal points
  • Representatives from government agencies relevant to NDC Implementation
  • Representatives from inter-governmental agencies relevant to NDC Implementation


Kind of event: Workshop

Location: Virtual