FSM MRV System

Country: Federated States of Micronesia

Phase: 2

Status: Completed

Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Enhanced NDC measurement, reporting & verification and transparency of climate action

Summary of Activity:

The FSM MRV Framework describes a guidance for the development of a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system for the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), in order for the country to track its progress in achieving its nationally determined contributions (NDC) targets. The framework provides practical advice for stakeholders in FSM who will be involved in the design and implementation of a robust and integrated national MRV system.

The framework provides technical background on the reporting mechanisms for NDC targets, FSM NDCs, planned activities for setting up the MRV system including a proposed institutional arrangement, assessment of data gaps and needs, data management mechanisms and capacity building on MRV.

A stakeholder consultation workshop was conducted and the main objective was to understand the type of data that exists in each stakeholder that are related to emissions and achievement of FSM’s NDC targets. Both Government and Private Sector were consulted.

Implementing Partner: GIZ