Fiji (Republic of)

Fiji lies between 177° E and 178° W Longitude and 12° to 22° S Latitude with a land area of 18,333 square kilometres and an Exclusive Economic Zone of 1.3 million square kilometres. The Fiji group consists of 332 islands of which a third are inhabited. The population is concentrated on the two major islands with 90% of the people living in coastal areas. Fiji’s geographical location, the location of much of its population and assets in coastal areas, and the importance of natural resources to its main economic sectors makes Fiji highly vulnerable to natural hazard and climate change. Fijian communities experience adverse climate change impacts such as eroding shorelines and riverbanks, shortage of water, depleted fisheries stock, reduced food production, large-scale flooding, increase in outbreaks of vector borne diseases and sea-level rise. This has severe implications for Fiji’s economic growth, as the country relies heavily on its natural resources for economic development as fisheries; forestry and agriculture are its primary industries. The effects of climate change are widespread and cross-sectoral.

NDC Target

Fiji submitted their intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) to the UNFCCC Secretariat on the 5 November 2015 and without further revisions it was submitted as Fiji’s first NDC on 22 April 2016. Fiji submitted its Enhanced NDC and NDC Review Report to the UNFCCC on 31 December 2020.

Conditional (20.00%)

From the 30% emission reduction target, this 20% target can only be met with the availability of external funding.

Unconditional (10.00%)

From the 30% emission reduction target, 10% will be achieved through utilizing resources available in country.

Fiji signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992 and ratified it in 1993. Fiji was also the first country to ratify the Paris Agreement. Although contributing a mere 0.006% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere compared to the global average, Fiji has committed to ambitious mitigation actions through the first NDC and strives to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 as set out in it  Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS). Fiji has also developed an extensive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to build resilience together with a low carbon economy. Fiji’s woven approach on the climate agenda nationally is outlined in the National Climate Change Policy 2018-2030. 

Target 1: To reduce 30% of BAU CO2 emissions from the energy sector by 2030. 

Target 2: As a contribution to Target 1, to reach close to 100% renewable energy power generation (grid-connected) by 2030, thus reducing an expected 20% of energy sector CO2 emissions under a BAU scenario.

Target 3: As a contribution to Target 1, to reduce energy sector CO2 emissions by 10% through energy efficiency improvements economy wide, implicitly in the transport, industry, and electricity demand-side sub-sectors.

Target Sector

  • Electricity generation
  • Transport
  • Demand-side energy efficiency
Target Year
Activity Implementation Year

Current Activity

Large stakeholder consultation in Fiji’s energy and transport sectors has been taking place virtually since June 2020 due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Final documents from the consultation will be developed and shared with the government once the consultation is concluded.

Similarly, Fiji is also conducting a Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) to achieve Fiji’s goals in the NDC and NAP through the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies for reducing emissions from rural electrification and maritime shipping and building resilience in coastal communities and the agriculture sector.

NDC Investment Plan (including project pipeline)



Supporting the Development of the Monitoring/Measuring, Reviewing and Verification Systems in the Transport Sector



Alignment of Fiji’s Revised Forest Bill with Draft Climate Change Bill



Implementation Work for the Climate Change Act



Development and Compliance Readiness for Fiji’s ‘Climate Risk Disclosure’ Legislative framework and requirements in Fiji



Fiji's NDC Journey

The Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for Fiji was submitted in 2015.

The Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution for Fiji was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat on 31 December2020.

Contact details in-country team

Mr Kushaal K. Raj
Regional Pacific NDC Hub Focal Point
Officer in Charge of Climate Change, Ministry of Economy
[email protected]

The Regional Pacific NDC Hub is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of United Kingdom, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand.