Integrating Climate Change Education in school curriculum
Country: Nauru
Phase: 1
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Strengthened enabling environment for NDC implementation
Summary of Activity:
Due to Nauru’s vulnerability and geographical makeup, one of the strategies the country hopes would assist them is by mainstreaming climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation concepts into their national primary and secondary school curriculum.
This assignment will support with review and mapping of science curriculum to identify topics and concepts under which climate change education applicable to Nauru’s national context can be integrated into their existing national curriculum. This work will include production of teaching and learning resources as well capacity building activities for local teachers to enable them deliver the revised and updated curriculum in schools.
Climate Change plays an important role in educating young people and the future leaders of Nauru. Appropriate educational strategies and action(s) will provide them with the correct knowledge and equip them with the necessary skills and attitude to adapt to climate change and mitigate its causes. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) plays an important role in development and in achieving a more sustainable future.
Implementing Partner: GIZ