Structure of the NDC Hub

The NDC Hub is managed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) in partnership with the Pacific Community (SPC), the Secretariat of the Pacific Region Environment (SPREP) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).

These entities constitute the NDC Hub Coordination Group,which provides institutional support and guidance on the NDC Hubs work. The Hub has a close collaboration with the NDC Partnerships Support Unit (NDCP SU) and serves as a contribution to the partnership.

The NDC Hub Implementation Unit is the engine of the NDC Hub. It has administrative functions, provides direct technical support to the countries and serves as the secretariat for the Steering Committee.

The NDC Hub Implementation Unit and Coordination Group report to the NDC Hub Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee consists of representatives from the three sub-regions in the Pacific as well as Fiji as the host country. Each steering committee member is nominated by the countries of their sub-region. The Steering Committee monitors progress of the Hub and provides guidance and direction on the Hub’s work.

NDC Structure 2024