Peer review of Water and Sanitation Master Plan
Country: Nauru
Phase: 1
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Improved NDC planning, policy, strategy and legislation
Summary of Activity:
This activity focused on the review the Nauru Water and Sanitation Master Plan (NWSMP).
The NWSMP entails the existing water and sanitation situation in the island nation and provides a Capital Works Program including the 20-year planning horizon -from 2015 to 2035, to cater for current and future water service’s needs.
The peer review of the 2017 NWSMP enabled to assess the suitability and adequacy of the water services infrastructure system proposed by the NWSMP, including Nauru’s governance and institutional capacity to implement the NWMSP and its acceptability within the socio-economic context of Nauru. Furthermore, a review of the NWSMP investment proposal was conducted to assist the Government, international agencies, donor partners and other multi-lateral banks in discussions for the development of technical, financial and institutional support.
The review highlights the institutional support and technical rigour as two major enabling steps necessary to create an environment to maintain prudent water supply on the island.
The review NWMSP offers a range of key recommendations including:
- Water supply improvements: exploring the potential of rainwater harvesting, including at the household level, and the identification of new groundwater sources are encouraged to augment desalination.
- Water resources monitoring and management is also encouraged.
- Proposal to install a sewage treatment plant (STP) and the selection of a conventional trickling filter treatment system to produce the Class C effluent is also supported.
- On the institutional and policy front, the enactment of the draft Environment Management and Climate Change Bill 2020 along with regulations on water quality standards, water conservation and other technicalities are supported.
The Government of the Republic of Nauru has commended and acknowledged the support provided in reviewing the NWSMP and the guidance on integrating water services security and climate resilience into development planning and investment decision-making processes for water services provision in Nauru.
Implementing Partner: The Pacific Community (SPC)