Proposed Roadmap for National MRV System
Country: Solomon Islands
Phase: 1
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Enhanced NDC measurement, reporting & verification and transparency of climate action
Summary of Activity:
To meet the requirements for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) set out by the Paris Agreement, this activity structured the groundwork for the Solomon Islands Government to enable it to implement the MRV System.
This activity produced a report that assessed the current status of Solomon Islands’ national GHG inventory, NDCs, national mitigation actions and other components of Solomon Islands’ climate change programs.
The Roadmap is a preliminary proposal for developing the national MRV system for Solomon Islands over the preliminary phase.
The development of the MRV Roadmap engaged the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM); Ministry of Energy and Mines and Rural Electrification; Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and Ministry of Forestry, as well as Solomon Power, promoting cross-governmental collaboration in collecting this data.
This work has fed into the Solomon Island’s development of their enhanced NDC and will support the nation towards the development of its MRV System, subsequently supporting the reporting of its GHG emissions reductions to the UNFCCC.
Implementing Partner: GGGI