Training on Nationally Determined Contribution [NDC] related activities
Country: Niue
Phase: 2
Status: Completed
Related Strategic Priority Outcomes: Strengthened enabling environment for NDC implementation
Summary of Activity:
Niue submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC Secretariat on 25 November 2015. In response to a growing interest in understanding Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and with regards to the goal of implementing the NDCs, Niue has requested for Regional Pacific NDC Hub for NDC Training – encompassing formulation, communication, implementation of NDC’s, UNFCCC and Paris Agreement process, the National Climate Change sector and NDC MRV process.
The main objective is to enhance the capacity of staff and partners of Niue Environment Agency through the development and delivery of a comprehensive training module on NDCs’ and the Paris Agreement process. This enhanced understanding and capacity on NDCs will strengthen the capacity of Niue Environment Agency to develop, evaluate and prioritize potential actions for NDC implementation. The project has commenced recently.
Implementing Partner: The Pacific Community (SPC)